Frequently Asked Questions About Pelvic Foundations

  • Pelvic Health Physical Therapy encompasses a wide range of diagnoses associated with both women and men across the lifespan.

    What is the pelvic floor? It is a “bowl” of various muscles and ligaments that attach to your skeletal system including the pelvis and sacrum. They act like a sling to support your internal organs including uterus, bladder, rectum, and prostate.

    The pelvic floor is your foundation!

    Your pelvic floor muscles have an association with how your bowel and bladder function, how your internal pelvic organs are suspended and supported through stabilization and reduced intra-abdominal pressures, they have a relationship with your respiratory diaphragm and how dysfunction of one or the other will create tension in the pelvic floor and subsequent pain and/or bowel and bladder dysfunction, and that is only part of the whole picture.

    The pelvic floor is similar to your shoulder muscles and will hold on to stress with increased tension that result in further dysfunction and pain.

    Typically the pelvic floor is not the only dysfunction, it is commonly accompanied by low back pain, sacral dysfunction, and hip pain. There are a number of compensatory muscles that form a close relationship with the pelvic floor that also attach to the pelvis, sacrum, and lumbar vertebra which is why you may also experience pain or discomfort in the low back or hips well before you notice pelvic floor, bowel, or bladder dysfunction.

    Often people will hear that it is normal to have pelvic pain, to have prolapse (bladder, uterus, rectum falling out of place) or incontinence (loss of stool or urine) when you are pregnant or postpartum, when you are aging, when you perform heavy lifting, during a work-out, while running, or after surgeries involving the abdominal or pelvic organs. But, though it is common, it is not normal! It is your body’s way of telling you that it is not functioning the way it should.

    Pelvic health physical therapists are specialists that will work with you to empower you to regain control and get back to living the quality of life you deserve and can have.

  • An integrative approach that includes listening, education, balancing your neuromusculoskeletal system, postural considerations, behavior modifications, diet considerations, stabilization of pelvis and related structures, specific exercises to maximize gains and restore function, and much more!

    At the initial visit you will have a customized thorough exam to assess pelvic stability, strength, range of motion, flexibility, and function, symmetry of your musculoskeletal system, postural alignment, and tissue restrictions.

    After the assessment we will discuss our findings and collaborate with you and your health care providers on a plan of care to reach your goals.

  • Preparing your children, animals, and home for your pelvic health physical therapy appointment is easy and stress-free! First of all, there's no need to worry about having a perfectly clean and organized home. We understand that life can get busy and chaotic, and we've seen it all. We have husbands and boyfriends, children, and even 4-legged kiddos (dogs and cats) ourselves, so we know what it's like to have a lively household!

    When it comes to your children and animals, they are more than welcome to be a part of the appointment. In fact, they often feel more at ease in their own home and you can relax more knowing they are in a safe and familiar environment. Our therapists are experienced in working around children and animals, so they will never be a bother!

    To prepare, simply choose a place in your home where you feel the most comfortable and relaxed. We will bring all the necessary equipment and supplies, including a portable table with a special hole for pregnant bellies. So whether you prefer to receive the entire visit in one place or have a conversation at your dining table or couch before moving to another room for treatment, we can accommodate your needs.

    In short, there is no need to stress about your home or worry about finding someone to care for your children and animals during your appointment. Our goal is to make the experience as convenient and comfortable as possible for you, so you can focus on getting back to owning your life.

  • Initial evaluation: 3 hours - To discuss concerns, history, education, provide tools, begin assessment and treatment.

    Subsequent visits: 1-1.5 hours - hands-on treatment and guidance with home program.

    Frequency: We typically start with 1X/week for 8 weeks, adjust based on response, goals, and areas to address. Projection of frequency usually determined by 4th visit.

    Example: 1X/week for 8 weeks, taper to biweekly, then monthly.

    Please note the above is only an example and we Individualize for holistic restoration and overall well-being.

  • We accept cash, check, debit/credit cards, and HSA cards at time of service. Your cards can be kept on your profile in our secure EMR software and you can have us use it or pay cash/check as you wish at each visit.

    For more information, including insurance reimbursement please refer to the section on Our Policies.

  • Your appointment time is reserved just for you. A late cancellation or missed visit leaves a hole in the therapist’s day that another patient could have filled. We require 48 hours notice for any cancellations or changes to your appointment.

    For more information, please refer to the section on Our Policies.

  • Kelsey will schedule all your appointments when you are moved from our global waitlist and have an initial evaluation set up. She will schedule you one time a week for 8 weeks to begin and change the frequency as your plan of care is determined by you and your pelvic PT. Once you are on our schedule you have appointments set for you to maximize your progress and success!

    Please understand that we will attempt to accommodate your schedule as we are able, at the same time it is a puzzle to organize all the different locations we travel to and there may be days that we are treating in a different area from where you live.

  • Days and times of your appointment may change due to other changes in our schedule with other patient’s we see reducing in frequency as they improve!

    You will be notified of changes in a timely manner and can always access your appointments through your Jane account.

    As you begin to improve toward your goals your frequency of visits will decrease. Prior to you starting, this is how we had a space to begin treating you!

    We want to fill the spaces and restore as many as we can! When this happens we often have a new location causing us to move everyone around for ease of travel which helps to keep costs down.