Our Policies

  • We are a private pay practice.  We accept cash, check, HSA, and all major credit cards as forms of payment at time of service.

    Our fees are set and do not fluctuate with time spent with you. For example: If you are seen for 1 hour or 1.5 hours for a subsequent visit, the fee is the same. This allows us to be present for YOU, to show up for you and your specific needs.

  • We are an out-of-network provider.  Depending on your current health insurance provider or other healthcare you may carry, it may be possible for you to get reimbursed by them. Prior to your first visit please contact your insurance to verify benefits and reimbursement policies.

    ~ Ask your insurance company about out of network reimbursement for specialty physical therapy.

    ~ Ask your insurance company if they require a script or referral to physical therapy to receive benefits/reimbursement. (We are direct access and by the law in Pennsylvania we do not require a script for you to see us for the first 30 days from start of your plan of care, some insurance companies feel differently about this)

    ~ You will be given a superbill (itemized) with the proper billing codes and your physical therapist’s tax ID and license number after every visit that can be submitted to your insurance.

    What is a superbill? A superbill is the fancy term used for insurances; it is essentially a receipt with extra numbers on it.

    We’d recommend asking these questions to your insurance provider to help determine your benefits:

    Does my health insurance plan include out-of-network physical therapy benefits?

    Do I have a deductible? If so, what is it and have I met it yet?

    This is important for you to know because if you have not met your deductible, you may be paying more or similar to our costs for physical therapy services at an insurance-based clinic to reach that deductible.

    Does my plan limit how many sessions per calendar year I can have? If so, what is the limit?

    Do I need written approval from my primary care physician or other licensed healthcare professional for services to be covered?

    This is where Pennsylvania law for direct access to physical therapy and the policies of insurance companies differ.

  • Your appointment time is reserved just for you. A late cancellation or missed visit leaves a hole in the therapist’s day that another patient could have filled. We require 48 hours notice for any cancellations or changes to your appointment.

    Please note:

    ~ Between 24-48 hours notice, a late cancel fee of 50% the total visit may be charged.

    ~ Less than 24 hours notice, a late cancel of 100% of the full visit may be charged.

    ~ Fees are at the discretion of your physical therapist.

  • Please contact us for a free phone consultation where you can discover how we can help Restore YOU to your best self through treatment of common pelvic dysfunctions and more. We are here to help you in any way that we can.

Your pelvis is your foundation.

We are here for you in any way that we can.

To pelvic health and restoring YOU!